Welcome to all new members. We hope that you are enjoying your Judo experience at Budokan. Over the last few months there has been a healthy trend in our membership with numbers creeping as high as 207. Please ensure that you stay financial with Judo NSW and keep track of when your club training fees are due. This is very important as we do not have a formal reminder system in place and following up over 200 members would be very time consuming.
- This Newsletter is the one I promised in July’s Newsletter where I needed to catch up on reporting against older events including the Nationals. So we’re covering the news and events since May and also any upcoming events. We’re really looking forward to this Thursday night’s (17th August) club presentation when we will be continuing our tradition of recognising our National Champions, our NSW State Team representatives, and our international representatives. Please join us in recognising those in the club who set high goals, commit to them, and invest a strong effort toward their achievement.
- Since the last Newsletter, we also ran our annual Budokan NSW Mons & Junior competition. As usual it ran like clockwork and a special thanks to all club members who pitched in to set up and help run the event.
This Newsletter is a bit longer than most and hopefully there aren’t too many errors or omissions – let me know if you find any. Also please let me know if you have any news that you want to share in future newsletters. Enjoy the Newsletter and “See you on the mat”. Rob K