Judo Training and Membership Fees

Annual Judo (NSW) Membership and Club Training Fees effective 1st January 2025

  1. Judo NSW and Budokan Judo Club. To be able to participate in Judo training at Budokan Judo Club, some administration with two separate organisations is required:

a) Judo NSW (which is Budokan's parent organisation under Judo Australia and the International Judo Federation); and
b) Budokan Judo Club Inc.

  1. Forms. The following forms must be completed before new members are able to participate in any session at Budokan Judo Club:

a) Budokan Club Membership Form and
b) Risk Warning and Waiver Form

With the exception of the Mini-Kids membership (for the Dino Kids Class), Judo NSW and Budokan Judo Club Inc. (Budokan) both offer a no obligation one-month trial option. Alternatively, new club members may wish to become financial with Judo NSW immediately and also pay Budokan training fees immediately or prior to expiry of the one-month trial period. The options are explained below.

Section 1. For the first month of training

  1. 3. Judo NSW Trial Membership.

a) Mini-Kids membership for Budokan Dinos Class. Please note that the Judo NSW Trial Membership is not available for the Mini-Kids Membership, which is for club members 4 or 5 years of age and not yet at school. For these children, you must purchase the $50 annual membership after the second Budokan Dinos Class.

b) Juniors and Seniors membership for Budokan Classes. Prior to your first class, unless you want to pay your Judo NSW registration up-front (see Section 2 below), new members must obtain a "Trial Membership" from "Judo NSW". This is done on-line and there is no cost at the time of registering for your trial period. Through the Trial Membership, Judo NSW provides a 4 week no-obligation trial period for new members which includes insurance coverage.  Please note that for the Wednesday Dinos class (for 4 and 5 year old pre-school kids), the MONS class (for kids turning 5 to 8 years in the year who attend school), and for the Monday Senior (turning 15 years or older in the year), intake of new members occurs ONLY for the first 2 weeks of each school term. Therefore, for the MONS and Senior classes, please don't obtain a "Trial Membership" from Judo NSW" until JUST PRIOR to your first class, as the month trial period is triggered from the registration. New members (Not Mini-Kids membership for children in the Dinos Class) can register their trial membership with Judo NSW as follows. 

How to Purchase the (one month) Judo NSW Trial Membership - for all Seniors (16 years and over at time of registration) and Juniors (Under 16 years). This should be done on the day of your first class or the day before. Your month trial period starts from registering your trial membership.

Note: Trial Membership does not apply to Mini-Kids (Dino Class) for children aged 4 and 5 years old and not at school.

c) Go to the Judo NSW website at http://www.judonsw.com.au/ and click "Member Login" from the top toolbar and register the new athlete as a new member.

d) Select "Budokan" as the club, click "Register". Complete intended member's personal details.

An alternative to c) and d) above is to go to directly to: https://www.revolutionise.com.au/budokanjc/registration/

e) Choose "Registration Type": "Senior – Trial Membership" or "Junior – Trial Membership" as applicable. "Senior – Trial Membership" is for those who are aged 16 years or over on the day they register, otherwise use "Junior". Click "Next Step"

f) Check the boxes at the bottom of the Member Acknowledgement and Declaration and type in Guardian's name in the case of "Junior – Trial Membership". Click "Next Step" and complete all the personal details as indicated.

g) Click "Register Now".There is no payment required and you should receive a confirmation email from Judo NSW to your nominated email address. Please keep your National ID/Username and Password which are generated by the system.

h) In two to three weeks from the date that you register your trial membership, Judo NSW will automatically send you an email (signed off as "Budokan") stating that your one month trial period will end soon and that your registration fees will be due. Please do this immediately you receive the email so that you don't forget. See Section 2 regarding how to log in to the Judo NSW payment system.

i) Once you renew your membership with Judo NSW and pay your registration fee, Rob Katz (Club President), and Kate Peake (Club Membership Manager) will be notified. Please note the renewal date in your phones and calendars as the club does not send reminders for renewals.

j) The date of your annual membership with Judo NSW will be from the start of your trial period. Effectively, Judo NSW provides a no-obligation one month trial period which is paid for when you become financial. If you choose not to continue training after the one month trial period there is no cost. 

       4. "Dino" Classes.

k) The Mini-Kids Membership is for children (4 and 5 years old and not at school) who participate in the Budokan Dino classes. Mini-Kids will not have access to Judo NSW membership programs including gradings and tournaments. This class is a pre-Judo pre-school education program.

l) Because of the lower registration fee, the Judo NSW trial membership is not available for the "Mini-Kids Membership" used for the Dino classes.

m) After the second Dino class, you must register online with Judo NSW. Please follow the process at Section 2, paragraph 6 below.

5.    Budokan Judo Club Training Fees.

n) Budokan Judo Club also offers a no obligation one month trial period before a commitment must be made regarding training fees. This takes effect during the Judo NSW Trial Membership period. Options for training fees are provided later in this document. Should a new member decide to continue to train after the one-month trial period, club training fees become due and will be back-dated to the start of the trial period. Please be proactive in paying your training fees. Refer to Section 2 below.

o) If new members leave after the one month trial period, there is no cost. If new members wish to pay training fees up-front, this is also possible.

p) In the case of the Dino Kids class (and Judo NSW Mini Kids membership), club training fees should be paid after the second session. Refer to Section 2 below.

Section 2. After the One-Month Trial Membership Period

With the exception of the Dino Class members (as noted above), the annual membership fee to Judo NSW and Budokan Judo Club training fees are both required to be paid at the time the respective one-month trial memberships expires, or beforehand if you choose that option. Both fees are retrospective covering the one-month trial period and both payments have a separate process as follows:

  1. 6. Judo NSW Annual Membership

    q)     Go to the Judo NSW website at the following link: http://www.judonsw.com.au/ and select the “Member Login” tab.

    r)      Select “Budokan” and then “Returning Member”

s) An alternative to c) and d) is to go to directly to: https://www.revolutionise.com.au/budokanjc/registration/

t) Select:

# "Mini Kids Membership - $50" for children under 5 at the time of registering (and not at school), or

# "Junior Membership - $154" (for children turning 5 years in the year (and at school) to children under 16 at the time of registering, or

# "Senior Membership - $195", if over 16 years at the time of registering.

u) Note that Judo NSW is a “Provider” under the 2024 NSW Government Active & Creative Kids Program which offers a $50 voucher in each of the two 6 month periods of the year, for school-enrolled children aged 4.5 to 18 years. Conditions of eligibility are covered on the Service NSW website. If you wish to use this subsidy, simply apply for a voucher on-line from Service NSW using your MyServiceNSW Account and enter the voucher details in the field provided. Press "Renew Membership". 

v) Complete the remaining details and make the required payment per the Judo NSW membership schedule below. Membership is 12 months from the date your trial membership started or the date of registering (if becoming financial without a trial membership). Judo NSW will automatically send you an email (signed off by Budokan) shortly before the expiry of your 12 month membership.

Please renew your membership immediately you receive this email.

Judo NSW Membership (12 months)


Membership Type

Fees as at January 2024

Please Note: Age cut-off for Juniors and Seniors for Judo NSW registration is different for that of Juniors and Seniors in determining Budokan Judo Club Training Fees

Mini Kids (Dinos)
(4 and 5 years old at time of registration and not at school i.e pre-school children)

(At school and U/16 years as at registration date. Includes Mons, Cadets who are under 16 years old & Junior & Senior Boys/ Girls)

(16 years or older as at registration date.
Includes Cadets who are 16 or 17 years old & Junior & Senior Men / Women )

FULL YEAR RENEWAL(from date of membership application). Payment is made on-line




7.  Budokan Judo Club Training Fees.

Budokan Judo Club endeavours to provide our members with the greatest possible flexibility regarding training fee options.

Options for Training Periods, Classes and Family Discounts

w) Training Period Options.

k)     2 training period options are available for purchase. These are: 3 months and 12 months, both effective from the date of commencing training at the club, which includes the start of the “no obligation trial period”. 

Discounts are offered to incentivise purchase of longer training periods

x) Class Rates. 2 class rates are available, distinguishing members who participate in the following categories of classes:

# The Dinos (Wednesday) class, for those aged 4 or 5 years and NOT YET ATTENDING school, or MONS (Wednesday) class, for those turning 5 to 8 years in the year and ATTENDING school, or Juniors (Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday) class, for those turning 9 to 14 years in the year (Note: Saturday for State Team Juniors);
Note: The definition of "Junior" in the club is different from that used by Judo NSW in their registration, whereby Judo NSW uses under 16 years of age at the time of registering for Juniors.

# Seniors (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday) for those turning 15 years or older in the year. (Note: Saturday for State Team Seniors);
Note: The definition of "Senior" in the club is different from that used by Judo NSW in their registration, whereby Judo NSW uses 16 years of age (or older) at the time of registering as the cutoff.

y) Single Member Versus Multiple Family Rate. 2 training rates are available. These are:

# Normal rates for a single (one-only) family member club membership; and

# "Multiple family Discount" rates for more than one club member from the same family (parents or siblings only)

Payment Rules

z) The fee rates in the fee schedule apply irrespective of how often the member trains at the club. 

aa) Training fees are paid on-line using "Training Period Vouchers", not at the club

bb) Payment renewals are individualised, even if Multiple Family Discounts are used for more than one family joining at different times.  This means that family members may have different training fee renewal dates.  For any clarification please contact Kate Peake at ker.120@hotmail.com or on 0412323128 in the first instance or Rob Katz at katzfamily@iinet.net.au or on 0411409632 before purchasing Training Period Vouchers

cc) The Budokan training fee structure is available per the schedule below, on the club notice board, as handouts at the club, and on this website (http://www.budokan-judo-club.com/judo-training-fees.html)

dd) NSW Government Active & Creative Kids Vouchers (AKV).  Budokan Judo Club is a “Provider” under the 2024 NSW Government Active & Creative Kids Program which offers a $50 voucher in each of the two 6 month periods of the year, for school-enrolled children aged 4.5 to 18 years. Conditions of eligibility are covered on the Service NSW website. For use of the AKV against Budokan training fees, simply:

# Use your MyServiceNSW Account to apply for a voucher online from the Service NSW website at https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-active-kids-voucher#

# Email the name of the member as it appears in their Judo NSW registration (and on the voucher), their Date of Birth and their Voucher details, to Rob Katz at katzfamily@iinet.net.au so that the club can redeem the voucher value.

# In the virtual Budokan shop, obtain a credit against your Purchase of Training Period Vouchers by selecting an AKV Voucher via the process in the next section titled "How to Purchase Club Training Period Vouchers"

ee) Note that you must complete ALL of the above 3 activities to correctly apply the AKV discount for club training fees.

How to Purchase Club Training Period Vouchers

ff) A full list of vouchers available in the Budokan on-line shop is listed at paragraph "oo)" below.

A full list of prices including a number of examples of Multiple Family Discount rates is available at paragraph 8 below.

Note regarding Multiple Family members.

If there is more than one family member purchasing Training Period Vouchers, the following applies:

# Each family member must log in separately and use the below process;

# Once logged in, please buy only one "Multiple Family Discount" Vouchers needed only for that family member;

Where there is a current club member from a family who subsequently has other family member(s) wishing to join the club, simply purchase a “Multiple Family Discount” Voucher for each additional member for the period required. Provided there are two or more family members with current financial membership of Judo NSW, each is entitled to the “Multiple Family Discount” Voucher despite having different renewal dates or different period vouchers purchased.

gg) Please ensure that before purchasing a voucher, you select the correct one, or if in doubt, in the first instance please contact Kate Peake on 0412323128 or ker.120@hotmail.com or Rob Katz on 0411409632 or katzfamily@iinet.net.au before making the purchase.

hh) Training Period Vouchers are available on-line at via the following website https://revolutionise.com.au/budokanjc/

This is Budokan Judo Club's own portal in the RevolutioniseSport (RevSport) online cloud-based platform for sports club management, used by Judo NSW and Judo Australia.

Note that Budokan training vouchers are not available in the Judo NSW shop.

Please go to https://revolutionise.com.au/budokanjc/ and click the "Member Login" button on the top right hand corner.

ii)  Insert the Judo NSW Username and Password of the club member requiring a Training Voucher. If there is more than one family member requiring a training voucher, this process has to be done separately for each family member.

jj) Click "LOG IN >". This portal contains all your membership information.

kk) If you have lost your Username of password, click "Forgot Login Details?"

ll) Click "SHOP" on the top toolbar

mm) There are 9 large buttons to choose from in 3 lines explained as follows:

nn) "Active Kids Voucher" (AKV) (for members aged 4.5 to 18 years)

# You must have a valid and unused AKV from Service NSW obtained using the process in the section above.

Note: Your AKV can only be used in the year that it was issued.

# Click this button if you are using 1 or 2 AKVs to contribute to the club training fee payment. Note that you must use the entire $50 (or you lose the balance). After clicking the button, the same button re-appears. Click it again. You will see the cost is "- $50" so you get a credit when the voucher is added to your shopping cart.

# Select the quantity to be used (Qty) and then select the "Add to Cart" button. The AKV(s) is/are now in your shopping cart. 

# Click the "Continue Shopping" button at the top left of the screen

# All 9 large buttons re-appear on the screen. Select one of the following training period options

oo) "Training Passes – 12 months"

# Select a 12 month voucher if you want to buy a 12 month training period.  2 options exist for a single family members, either a Senior or a Junior/Mons/Dino. 2 more options exist for multiple family members, again, either a Senior or a Junior/Mons/Dino and are provided at a discounted rate.
Please do not select one of the Multiple Family Discount buttons if there is only one family member joining the club.
Please select one of the Multiple Family Discount buttons if there is more than one family member and you have already purchased or will be purchasing a Multiple Family Discount voucher for the other family member(s).

#   To help choose the relevant Class button.

  • The “Junior/Mons/Dinos” Class button is for either pre-school children participating in the 5.15-6.00pm Wednesday Dino Kids class, Mons children (turning 5 to 8 years in the year) who normally participate in the Wednesday 6.00-7.30pm class or Juniors (turning 9 to 14 years) who normally participate in the Tuesday/Thursday 6.00-7.30pm, Thursday 5.00-6.00pm Junior Fundamentals (and for those eligible Saturday 2.30-3.30pm competition athletes) classes.
  • The “Seniors” Class button is for members (turning 15 years or older) who normally participate in the Monday 8.00-9.30pm beginner and Kyu Grade class or the Tuesday/Thursday 7.30-9.00pm (and for those eligible Saturday 3.30-5.00pm competition athlete) classes.

#         Do not change to quantity button. It must remain as “1” even if you are buying the same voucher for another family member. This will be done as a separate process by logging into the second family member’s profile.

#          After selecting the voucher you wish to purchase, ensure the quantity to be used (Qty) remains “1” and then select the “Add to Cart” button. In the next window, check the details and if correct, select the “Add to Cart” button. The selected voucher is now in your shopping cart.

#         Select the shopping cart icon in the black toolbar and check your purchase. If any incorrect vouchers, select the red cross and delete the item, then select “Browse Shop” to select the correct voucher. If the shopping cart item(s) is correct, select “Proceed to Checkout”, complete the details, insert your credit card details and pay the relevant fee.  Select “Place Order”.

#          Repeat the process for each of the other family members.

pp) "Training Passes – 3 months" – as per the 12 month process)

qq)  Summary of Training Period Vouchers Available

After being transferred to the RevolutioniseSPORT (RevSport) system, select <Shop>, then <Products> and the following options will be displayed:

  • 12 Month Training Pass - Junior/Mons/Dino Kids
  • 12 Month Training Pass - Seniors
  • 12 Months Multiple Family Discount - Junior/Mons/Dino Kids
  • 12 Months Multiple Family Discount - Seniors
  • 3 Month Training Pass- Junior/Mons/Dino Kids
  • 3 Month Training Pass- Seniors
  • 3 Months Multiple Family Discount - Junior/Mons/Dino Kids
  • 3 Months Multiple Family Discount – Seniors

Note: When obtaining a trial or full membership or renewing your membership with Judo NSW, the process will also direct you through the Budokan portal which means you will be able to access the shop and the Training Period Vouchers. The Budokan Training Period Vouchers are NOT available at the on-line Judo NSW shop.

  1. Summary of Prices (effective from 1st January 2025)

Single Rates (per person)




Single Member – Senior
Senior: Turning 15 in the year, or older




Single Member – Juniors, Mons, Dino Kids

Dino Kids: 4 or 5 years old and NOT at school

Mons: Turning 5 to 8 years in the year and at school

Juniors: Turning 9 to 14 years in the year






Discounts for single members from 3 to 12 months is approximately 40% (comparing 4 x 3 month payments).

Multiple family membership training fees.

Discounts for multiple family members from 3 to 12 months is approximately 40% (comparing 4 x 3 month payments). 

Discounts for multiple family members compared to single member rates is approximately 20%.

A number of examples of the cost of different “Multiple Family” combinations follows below. When purchasing “Multiple Family” training vouchers, please log in separately for each family member and purchase 1 voucher for each family member so we can track for whom the purchase and payment applies. To calculate discounts for multiple family member training fees, use the following example. Full price for 12 months for 1 x Senior and 2 x Juniors (per the above table) would be $850 + 2 x $560) = $1970 but fees are discounted for multiple family members as follows: $680 + 2 x $450 = $1580 (a saving of approximately 20%).

Family Rates (per person)




Senior (Multiple Family Discount)




Junior / Mons / Dino Kids (Multiple Family Discount)






Examples of Various Multiple-Family Combinations for 3 and 12 months (6 months not availabe as of 1 January 2025)

2 Seniors




3 Seniors




2 Juniors/Mons /Dinos




3 Juniors/Mons /Dinos




Juniors/Mons /Dinos




1 Senior + 1 Junior/Mon /Dino




1 Senior + 2 Juniors/Mons / Dinos




1 Senior + 3 Juniors/Mons /Dinos




2 Seniors + 1 Junior/Mon / Dino




2 Seniors + 2 Juniors/Mons / Dinos




3 Seniors + 1 Junior/Mon /Dino






Other Fees

Budokan Judo Club                                   Visitor (Non-Budokan)
Casual Training Fees (Junior or Senior)         Casual Training Fees (Junior or Senior)

$30.00 per session                                   $30.00 per session

Grading Fee

All Gradings- $35 (includes Judo NSW certificate and belt)